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ArgumentNo. 4/2012

Upgrade in relation to public space today – considerations regarding the response of the architecture to the community problems-


Public space issue is debated by specialists of various fields, constitutes a perfect theme of an interdisciplinary approach. Architects, together with philosophers, sociologists and psychologists contribute to this demarche, coming from the contemporary society’s demands, in order to formulate a pertinent answer.

What does the contemporary society mean? What is the society’s demand and what is the answer that architecture could give? What is the cause of appearance of new fields of activity and of permanently updating of others? Will be debated three concepts considered to be important: COMMUNICATION – PARTICIPATION – EXPERIMENTATION

It will be checked the validity of each vis-à-vis to contemporary situation. A plausible answer of architecture could be “the non-finite space conceiving” related to the community problems.

What does community mean? What is the connection between individual and community how to strengthen these links? How the individual can be pull out of inertia from the architectural point of view?

With more or less satisfactory results, the contemporary architecture tends to become a global science of human being, “in the same time act of culture and act of civilization” (Daniela Radulescu Andronic, The architecture of modern cultural centers, 1996, p 14) . It is based on the sociological and psychological analysis, on the results extracted from the biological studies and philosophy. In an uncertain actuality of values, the contemporary philosophy proposes various approaches. The need for philosophy is exactly the expression of the thought’s way of thinking.


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