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ArgumentNo. 7/2015

Research by Project – Arch. Norman Foster


I started by presenting a summary of the current situation regarding natural resources consumption and the measured effect of human society development, a sum of factors which requires urgent economic measures to compensate for the actual loss. I showed how developed countries refuse to participate into general effort of consumption decreasing, emphasizing on the technological development which should compensate for the continuous increasing human needs. To observe in detail whether technology is a real solution and to which extent, we researched two examples of human developments which tries in a different way to use concepts of sustainability and resource regeneration.

First case, Masbar is a technological achievement of highest level, in a country that can make considerable investments in research and professionals, an example of how human chooses to isolate himself of the natural environment and he relates with the environment strictly on efficiency bases, orientation and energy capture.

Since the announcement made by Steve Jobs that architectural firm Foster and Partners will design headquarters "Apple" in Cupertino, California, it was evident the intent to market his unique building with a great symbolic value. All design elements have become extremely visible through special promotion (Apple’s trademark) to create an overview of sustainable development.


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