Urban park - from concept to project
- Angelica Stan
With increasing sophistication of actual cities, the urban parks - central, peripheral or metropolitan - change their roles and feel the need for adaptation to the new conditions. Consequently, the issue of urban park - both conceptually and as a design methodology, expanded and enriched in recent decades including both principle’s issues and issues related to the relationship within the entire urban system.
The research achieved through the discipline "Urban park – an integrated project" existing in the IVth Year program of the Faculty of Urbanism/ Landscape Planning Department – aimed to synthesize students’ value options and to highlight the way in which we can relate to this topic. The project was set up as a debate item about the role of the park in the city, the possibilities of intervention in terms of proximity to the population whom needs is addressed, and a tool for innovation as integrated (urban – landscape)design methodology. From this point of view, the investigation started by students’ capture of people options related to the project site - according to certain categories of users considered relevant. The most difficult and the most attractive step was to formulate a meaningful concept of intervention - here where synthetically figure out all the problems noted during the analyses’ phase, and responses were the most diverse. The result of this research has consisted in a public presentation of the projects (realized part in team and part individually), and in commenting the different proposed solutions and intervention scenarios.