Identity. Restructuring. Landscape
- Cristina Enache
In a time when virtual contacts take place to the physical, communication is so use that it loses the concept value, making way to the superficiality. The Virtual increases the need for physical contact and physical communication, public space and what it offers becomes more important than ever; in a world of mobility, dematerialisation, communications, the identity and the character are essential. From the twentieth century, the urbanization rate and thebtechnological developments have created new problems, being required to rediscover the report between city and his history, under the loss of urban identity.
Today identity is built on the same logical network of the informational era. Connectivity, coherence, continuity, network - are keywords in the new urban landscape restoration strategies, involving harmonization of the tissue, of the image and of the context actions. The transition period where we are, assumes the role of bridge between history and future urban development. Repercussions are felt mainly in the urban landscape that reflects strong this transition – throught wich the society is passing. Amalgam of forms, phenomena, tendencies, needs, put their mark on the landscape, whose role in this period is to resolve the contradictions, the dysfunction the tissue continuity, the coherence of urban image, the functional connectivity, the social and urban identity .