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ArgumentNo. 15/2023

On the border between the periphery and the center. Method of intervention in a hybrid fringe-belt type area, in Bucharest.

  • / “Ion Mincu” University of Architecture and Urbanism, Bucharest, RO


Contemporary architectural projects respond to contemporary requirements and address new types of users, but, above all, they fit into the context of the city undergoing transformation. In particular, metropolitan areas are progressively adopting an institutional role, of economic power and cultural attractiveness. The development processes to which the urban organism is subjected can create problems of continuity and coherence from an architectural-urbanistic point of view. A result of these transformations is the periphery of the center, an area of peripheral tissue initially located on the edge that was integrated, over time, in the central area and which, by increasing the value of the large land located in the new configuration, attracts pressures of urban intervention.

For a coherent intervention, a good understanding of this process and the physical context under discussion is necessary. In this sense, urban morphology provides a language and a repertoire of elements that become working tools for specialists. Contemporary urban restructuring follows the principles of porosity on a polycentric model, a context in which these centers are interpreted as urban nodes that can acquire a polar character, respectively of attractiveness at the city level. More than a possible process, in the case of the central periphery, a phenomenon of integration, assimilation and intensification will be observed based on the principles of nodality and, subsequently, polarity, a phenomenon associated with an urban form of border belt and defined by the fringe-belt concept.

In this paper, I will review and verify the applicability of these concepts through the analysis of the urban model of the city of Bucharest, complementary methods of addressing contemporary challenges will be correlated and this approach will be applied in a site located in the central area, a fringe-type hybrid area - belt with development opportunities. The presented project is the result of the study for the diploma project, Forum Haşdeu: academic platform in a hybrid fringe-belt area, in Bucharest.


fringe-belt, center periphery, porosity, polycentrality, polarity, node



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