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ArgumentNo. 13/2021

Renovated Industrial Complexes in the Urban Environment

  • / assoc. prof. PhD, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture, Kyiv, Ukraine
  • / post graduate student, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture, Kyiv, Ukraine


Until recently, industry was one of the main factors in the formation of cities. During the period from the industrial revolution to the post-industrial society, industrial facilities have evolved from individual production buildings and production complexes into innovation and production technology parks.

In addition to this, there were urban planning processes such as changing the types of urban planning schemes, functional zoning, the formation of transport routes and of transport networks. Initially, the industry gravitated to the location or production (cultivation) of raw materials, then moved in the proximity of water resources and transport arteries, and later to unoccupied territories.

Globalization and general economic changes have led to the crisis and decline of many former industrial complexes, which during active urbanization processes had been part of the structure of cities.

Industrial buildings and complexes often have architectural and historical value, which lies in the use of new types of structures, engineering systems and architectural styles. Historical value is created by the connection of these objects with outstanding historical events, scientists, engineers and architects.


architectural environment, renovation, industrial complexes, level of intervention, urban planning features



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