ReGen. A Creative Future for Assan’s Mill
- Oana Dăscăloiu / “Ion Mincu” University of Architecture and Urbanism, Bucharest, Romania
- Theodora Radu / “Ion Mincu” University of Architecture and Urbanism, Bucharest, Romania
The future seems to bring along with the intense densification of cities the tendency to uniformize architecture by losing interest in the value of the heritage of the past and its characteristic forms. In this context, the actions for safeguarding and functional aligning to contemporary requirements of monuments and historical assemblies contribute both to the sustainability of the constructed fund and to the (social and cultural) activation of the areas to which they belong. The case study focuses on a proposal for urban regeneration of Assan’s Mill, an ensemble classified as a historical monument that tells about Bucharest’s industrial past, which is enriched through the project with a new contemporary function designed to extend its life and diversify its possibilities of use.