Communicative planning as a research tool
- Anca Oana Rusu
Projects, whether small or big, always has two sides. The bright face is the one that should bring progress and welfare to the entire community, happy developers and architects, jobs and better living conditions. The dark face, the one that always exists, but nobody preferes not to speak about, has a negative impact on communities and finally brings "wicked problems" such as poverty, segregation, increased delinquency, destruction of historical sites, environmental destruction. The communicative planning intentions are to minimize the undesirable effects and to propose the solutions that lead to improve the "wicked problems" using communication, by helping all stakeholders to understand one to another. Failures drift, in most cases, from the lack of communication and to maximize the planning efficiency the architects must explore their skills to become effective communicators, researchers and skilled negotiators. Organization of communicative actions is based on a several research components: scanning the current situation and community trends, identification of the values and principles that will be found in project and will serve as guidelines for the implementation and verification of project results, identification of the opportunities and selection of working methods which must be chosen based on collective values and expected results, setting clear expectations and commitments, monitoring progress based on the factors that were scanned at the beginning. If ignored, the "wicked problems" can lead to project failure.