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ArgumentNo. 7/2015

The Architectural Project as Act of Knowing


What is the epistemological position of the project among all the acts of knowing related to architecture? Is the hard to understand unique and unrepeatable act of designing an act of knowing? If so, what kind of knowing is it: observational, empirical or theoretical? Is design common knowledge or scientific one? Can one speak of a design project as of a research, or there might be researches included in the project as well? The original side of the project might be interpreted as original inquiry, with the specific purpose of acquiring communicable knowing and understanding? To what extent the hypothesis of the project could be infringed by the design process itself? Could we talk about incompatibilities between the purposes of architectural design and scientific research? Could experimental architecture be considered scientific experiment? If the answer is yes, in what circumstances? The present article does not try to answer the above mentioned questions; it tries to bring light to the discussed themes, making the lecturer’s answers possible.


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