Three architects, three methods - A comparative analysis
- Andra Panait
What method, what system is employed by an architect to design a building? How can the programmatic requirements and the context, with their various degrees of freedom and constraints, be translated into architectural design ?
This paper reviews some of the methods that are an integral part of the design process.
The design methodology of three architects is analyzed : Peter Eisenman, Lars Spuybroek (NOX), Ben van Berkel (UNStudio) with emphasis on:
The theory: the elements or concepts resulting from their theoretical stance
The tethod: the way in which the architects organize their design process, how, where and at what stage is using CAAD
The result: the way in which the outcome of the design process is shaped by the theory and method
The choice of these architects was based on three criteria: 1) Changes in the levels of CAAD necessary to study a particular approach - the design sequences of the three demanding increased complex design skills, 2) Scale on which the methods are applied: architectural or urban level and the shift of focus to the form (Eisenman), the event (NOX) or program (UNStudio), 3) Theoretical works published by authors and the way in which they transpire in their practice of architecture.