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ArgumentNo. 13/2021

Interior Architecture and Film Scenography. Theoretical Direction of Aproach to the Interior Space

  • / lect. PhD. arch., “Ion Mincu” University of Architecture and Urbanism, Bucharest, RO
  • / assist. PhD. arch, “Ion Mincu” University of Architecture and Urbanism, Bucharest, RO
  • / lect. PhD. arch., “Ion Mincu” University of Architecture and Urbanism, Bucharest, RO


The crisis we are experiencing has generated a need for change and adaptation much faster than the ordinary way things are going. The interiors of the houses have become the places where everyone carries out their daily schedule – from online work to various recreational activities. Thus, clearly defined functions in pre-Covid habitation, such as dining place, conversation area, bedroom, become multifunctional spaces, depending on the scenario desired by their users.

Spending a long time in the house emphasized the difference between the desired atmosphere in this private, personal space and the existing atmosphere. It can be said that, at the level of the subconscious, people began to notice and try to control the atmosphere of the spaces in which they live.

During this period, at the subconscious level, forced by the conjuncture, people felt the need to modify the housing space in order for the "story" to belong to them and for the "scenario " of everyday life to unfold as easily as possible. These actions generated by needs cannot be ignored in the practice of interior architecture but speculated and especially studied.

Thus, at such a time, the professionals in the field of interior architecture must adapt and keep up with the changes that have occurred and, especially, with the needs of their beneficiaries.

As we are talking about an action, a story and a scenario to follow, we propose film scenography as an example of good practice in this direction.

The aim of the article is to investigate, including from a theoretical point of view, the way in which scenography works with the atmosphere of the inner space, a way that includes the functional and aesthetic side, but which manages to go further and work through "subliminal codes" at the level of the subconscious to create a certain atmosphere that his story needs.


atmosphere, scenography, cinematography, interior design, living in a pandemic



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