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ArgumentCall for papers › Call for Papers Argument #14
Published on december 7, 2021

Call for papers Argument 14/2022: “Architectural Experiment: Materiality and Perception”

Beyond the configuration of space or its function, the material and its specific image, alongside the particular way of materialising them, become means of communication, experiment and perception. We invite you to debate, in the next issue of Argument journal and in the associated session of scientific communications “Architectural Experiment: materiality and perception”, different ways of decoding, composing and expressing the concept of a possible architecture. The conference and the related publication are open to interested professionals, to researchers, academic staff, students and PhD candidates that study disciplines like architecture, interior design, urban planning, landscape design, arts, urban geography, sociology and anthropology etc.

We are looking forward to your proposals that you can send by e-mail at

_abstract submission deadline extended (aprox. 1000 words): February 10, 2022

_acceptance of abstracts: February 15, 2022

_in extenso paper submission deadline, in English*: May 1, 2022

The papers will be written according to the template and will be accompanied by the signed copyright statement (both documents, as well as other useful information, are available on the journal website:

Argument journal also publishes reviews of books, conferences and events related to its fields of interest. The critical reviews will be sent in both Romanian and English* and will be 700-1500 words long. The deadline for sending the reviews by e-mail is June 1, 2022.

*The text can be first submitted at least in English and afterwards in Romanian. Only for non-Romanian authors, the editorial team will assure the Romanian translation.